Nightmares – How to deal with them?


As kids, we are often afraid of the dark. Nightmares and bad dreams plagued our minds as children in order to teach us a lesson about how terrible we could be when sleep deprived. However, some adults still continue to have nightmares and bad dreams. So what can you do with your nightmare?

There are many ways to deal with nightmares, and the best way to find out what works for you is to experiment. Some people find that sleeping on their left side helps them avoid nightmares, while others find that drinking lots of water before bed helps them get a good night’s sleep. It’s important to keep a journal and track your progress so you can see which techniques work best for you.

Here are some tips to help you deal with nightmares:

1. Make a list of your Nightmares and try to categorize them. You may be surprised at how many different types of nightmares there are!

2. If you have recurring nightmares, try focusing on one specific nightmare and trying not to think about the rest of the dreams in that category. This can be tough, but it may help you break the cycle.

3. Avoid watching horror movies or reading scary stories before bedtime – they can actually increase your chances of having a nightmare. Instead, try watching lighthearted comedies or reading fiction books before bedtime to relax yourself and wind down for sleep.

4. If you find that Nightmares are causing significant anxiety or stress in your life, talk to your doctor about treatment options such as medication or therapy. In some cases, Nightmares can be a sign of an underlying psychological condition that needs clinical attention.

5. Avoid thinking about your nightmare during the day. If you can’t escape it, at least try not to think about it while awake as well. This will only make it harder to resist revisiting the dream when you’re asleep.

6. If a nightmare is particularly frightening, try visualizing yourself being safe in your dream world. Imagine yourself surrounded by loved ones or conquering an obstacle in your dream vividly before falling asleep. Anything that makes you feel safer can help lessen the fear of nightmares overall.

7. Talk to someone about your nightmares if they’re causing significant distress or preventing you from sleeping soundly at night. Sharing your fears with another person may help reduce their anxiety and make them less likely to appear in your dreams.


Nightmares can be quite disturbing, and often lead to a lot of anxiety and stress in the sleeper. They can also interfere with normal sleep patterns, which can have serious consequences on our physical and mental health. If you’re experiencing nightmares on a regular basis, there are some things that you can do to deal with them effectively. In this article, we discuss some of the key strategies that will help you get through your nightmares without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. So if you’re worried about your nightmare frequency or how it’s affecting your life, read on for some helpful advice!

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