Tips To Find Out If They Are Your True Friends


Friends are the people that we can lean on during the hardest times and they support us during the best. They make us laugh, give out advice and listen to our stories. However, with such an open relationship come so many questions over whether these people are actually your friends or not. Read more as we share with you some tips to help you decide if they are your true friend or not.

It is not always easy to determine whether or not someone is really your buddy or if they are just trying to take advantage of you. The following advice will assist you in determining whether or not the individuals currently in your life may be considered genuine friends:

Do they have time in their schedule for you? 

Even when they are really busy, real friends will always find time to be with them. If they never have time to talk on the phone or to get out with you because they are always too busy, you should question whether or not they are real friends.

They back you up, do they? 

If they are your buddy, they will support you through thick and thin. They will be encouraging to you while you are going through challenging times, and they will rejoice in your victories with you.

Are they being straightforward with you? 

Someone who can be trusted will never deceive you or keep anything hidden from you. Additionally, they should feel at ease while providing you with constructive feedback.

Do they help you have a positive perception of yourself? 

Instead of bringing you down or criticising you, a real friend would build you up and encourage you. They should be able to make you feel like a valued person and someone with whom it is worthwhile to spend time.

Are they in a good mood? 

True friends are often upbeat and joyful individuals who add to your overall sense of well-being. They are the ones that always have a positive attitude and are up for having a good time, which makes each day a little bit brighter for them.

They back you up, do they? 

Even when you act foolishly, a real friend would be by your side and provide encouragement. They will be there for you when times are difficult, and they will rejoice with you when they are good.

Do they respect the limits that you have set? 

A genuine buddy will respect your personal space and will never attempt to manipulate or take advantage of you in any way. In addition to this, they will be ready to make concessions and will respect your views, even if they do not always share the same ones.

Are you able to rely on them? 

A genuine friend is one who keeps their word and can always be counted on to be there when they say they would be. You can rely on them to keep the promises they make to you and to be there for you whether things are going well or not.


It can be really difficult to figure out who your true friends are. However, it is important to have people in your life that you can rely on and that make you feel good about yourself. If you are feeling questioning about a friendship, use these tips to help figure out if they are really your friend.

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