Tips To Handle A Newly Made Friend


Sometimes one will make a new friend that you like and feel comfortable with. There are tips to handle this type of friendship so as to not be hurt by the experience or upset your host in any way.

When you make a new friend, it can be exciting and feel like the beginning of a new adventure. However, there are some tips to follow to make sure your friendship stays healthy.

1. Introduce yourself and chat about what you have in common. It is important to get to know your new friend and find out what interests them. This will help create a stronger connection between you two.

2. Keep communication open and avoid being too pushy. A good way to show interest in your new friend is by asking them questions and listening when they talk. If you need to say something, wait until they’ve had a chance to finish their sentence before speaking.

3. Don’t be afraid to take things slow. It’s okay if your friendship mellows over time; just make sure that you both stay active in communication.

4. Be willing to compromise on things sometimes. Everyone has different interests and preferences, so don’t feel like you have to stick to everything your new friend wants or does not want at all times! Just give them the benefit of the doubt and try not to take things too seriously.

5. Tell them about your interests. It can be easy to default to talking about yourself, but it’s important to show interest in your new friend too. Share something specific about yourself, such as where you grew up or what your favorite hobby is. This will help build a connection between you two and make conversation easier.

6. Let them know when they are doing something well. We all have bad days, and sometimes it’s hard to put our best foot forward. If your new friend does something that you appreciate, let them know! Compliment them on their outfit or their cooking skills, even if you don’t really mean it. It will show that you think of them as a valuable friend and strengthen the bond between you two.

7. Pay attention to them! People like being noticed, so give your new friend plenty of positive feedback – whether it’s verbal (“That was an amazing story! I love hearing stories like that”) or nonverbal (giving genuine smiles). When people feel appreciated, they tend to return the favor – which is good news for both of you!

8. Listen politely. Make an effort to listen attentively to what the person has to say, even if it’s not what you wanted to hear. Show that you respect their opinion and want to learn more about them.

9. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions about the person, their hobbies, and their life story. This will show that you care about them and are interested in getting to know them better.

10. Be supportive but not pushy. Let the person talk when they want to and don’t try to dominate the conversation or take control of it. Supportive listening shows that you care about them and are willing to listen attentively instead of imposing your own views on them


If you’ve just met a new friend, it can be difficult to know how to behave around them. Here are some tips to help make the transition smoother: stay calm and collected, avoid coming across as judgmental or critical, and most importantly, don’t forget to be yourself. If you follow these tips, your newly made friend should feel comfortable getting to know you better.

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