Why Does Good Behaviour Attract More Than Money?


In this article, the author shares with us why good behaviour is more desirable than money. The answer to this question is a fairly simple one, but it is important to pay attention and comply with what the author writes in order to attract more value in your life.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that good behaviour attracts more than money. Behavioural scientists have studied this phenomenon for years and the results are clear: good deeds lead to more positive outcomes than bad ones.

Here are a few reasons why good behaviour leads to reward and attentions:

1. Good deeds make people feel good.

When we do something good for another person, it feels good on an emotional level. We feel rewarded in our own hearts and that makes us want to repeat the behaviour in the future. This is why a small act of kindness can go a long way – it’s often enough to make someone happy, and they’re more likely to return the favour.

2. Good deeds build trust and relationships.

When we do something kind for someone else, it creates trust – we believe that this person will be helpful and understanding in the future. This can be incredibly valuable in business settings or any other type of relationship where communication is important. It’s also worth noting that kindness can break down barriers, leading to new opportunities and connections – think about how many times you’ve been able to open up with someone because you felt comfortable around them? Positive relationships are powerful things!

3. It makes us feel needed.

People often feel needed when they’re doing something good for others. It’s a feeling of being appreciated and important, which can make us want to continue helping out in the future. Feeling needed also helps us to develop positive relationships with other people, which is beneficial both emotionally and professionally.

4. It builds trust and communication skills.

When we do something good, we build trust with the person or group we’re helping out. This allows us to communicate more effectively with them in the future, which can be very helpful if we need their support for something else later on down the line. Good communication skills are essential for any successful relationship!

5. It makes people happy.

Happiness is one of the most powerful motivators there is, and it definitely affects our behaviour in ways that go beyond simple financial considerations… Studies have shown that happy people are more likely to achieve their goals and live happier lives overall than those who are unhappy, no matter what those goals may be!


There’s no doubt that money can be a powerful tool when it comes to influencing others, but is it the only thing that matters? In this article, I’ll explore some of the reasons why good behaviour often attracts more than financial compensation. I believe that empathy and connection are two key factors at play here; when we feel understood and cared for, we’re more likely to reciprocate these feelings by doing what our loved ones or friends request of us. Furthermore, behaving in a way that upholds our personal values is also hugely beneficial — meaning that if you care about things like honesty and integrity, making those values clear to others will go a long way in building trust and cooperation.

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